What is the difference between hosting and domain (domain name)?
Now you may be wondering: What is the connection between THE Domain And the Hosting ?
It is possible to buy a domain from our company, and hosting from another company, but most likely the domain is from the same company because you will mostly get the domain for free when you buy hosting from the same company, we will talk here simply about how the domain system works in the world, to understand how Your domain is linked to your site and what is the actual difference between domain and hosting
When you enter the address of any site on the Internet page, the process of converting the site name to IP, and the system responsible for converting sites from names to IPs is called DNS, which is an abbreviation for Domain Name System, and this system is in the form of a pyramid, we will not expand on the explanation here, but what concerns us is that when our site (our domain name) is inquired, the request will be directed to a server called Name server Managed by the hosting company, this server will respond to the request that the requested domain is on the IP as well
Not clear enough? Let’s apply it to the site you’re reading from now.
When you type the name of the site on your browser eraxtech.com The DNS server will communicate with the top of the pyramid here, which are global servers that forward these requests to the responsible servers, one of the main DNS servers in the world will respond to your request that the domain you requested is managed by the server located at the address of the following DNS server
Then your DNS server will ask this server for the domain
eraxtech.com ،Where is it located? This server is actually managed by the hosting company that hosts this site, which is servconfic, the server will reply to your DNS server with the address of the hosting server that this domain points to! Kind of complicated, isn’t it? This process takes place in milliseconds, by the way.
In the event that the domain and hosting are from the same company, the settings for domain redirection will be ready, but when the hosting is from another domain, the hosting company will give you the names of its Name Servers to link to your domain name, when your domain is queried, the Name Server will be The hosting company is known to the company from which you purchased your domain, and it will direct the request to your site based on this information that came from the hosting company.